Much Easier to Configure and Maintain Accrual Policies
Las Vegas, NV — September 14, 2010 — Pacific Timesheet announced today that it has added several time off balance accrual policy and rules features to allow for more control over "years of service" and hourly accrual prolicies. The Company has significantly improved the administrative interface allowing customers to easily configure and modify settings for accrual policies' years of service and rollover rules. CEO Pat Conrad stated, "We are always trying to improve our customer's experience with our software. Making it easier to configure this critical feature for payroll time tracking and time off tracking will save our customers money and allow our implementations to be completed much faster."
Customers are able to have as many customized Pacific Timesheet accrual policies as they need and can assign them down to the employee level. Staffing organizations are expected to benefit from a new user interface to configure hourly accrual policies for contract workers. All customers are expected to benefit significantly from these improvements to easily configure these rules for part-time workers.