LAS VEGAS – January 10, 2019 -- Pacific Timesheet, the maker of enterprise time, expense, asset and log management tools, announced that its latest release allows field users to upload and attach images and documents for expense, asset and log tracking. This new feature in Pacific Crew, Pacific Timesheet's leading IOS and Android mobile app, is expected to completely eliminate the use of email and fax machines to send photos and documents from the field.
"Many construction and field service firms heavily depend upon fax machines and email to transmit important timesheets, forms, logs, photos and documents for approval, payroll and accounting," stated Ronald Kfoury, Pacific Timesheet's President and CEO. "Pacific Crew, which already automates the capture of timesheets, expense entries and logs, will now capture all relevant photos and documents in a single electronic crew timesheet, This breakthrough dramatically consolidates and streamlines crew timesheet data capture, approvals and data processing."
Pacific Crew will store all mobile image types, and most document types including PDF, text, Word, Powerpoint, and Excel files. For

example, Pacific Crew allows for the attachment of detailed incident or accident reports, equipment damage, or material loss reports. Other modules include Foreman Logs, Daily Work Plans, Safety Checks and Production Tracking.
Pacific Crew also allows for offline data capture and storage of images and documents from remote job sites where there is no signal.
“Job sites in remote locations require recording data without a signal,” Kfoury continued. "Now, foremen working offline, can completely eliminate paper and physical documents and forms. Instead, they'll now use mobile devices to create photos and documents, attach them to entries and logs without a signal, and upload them to the cloud later when they have connectivity."
At the center of the Pacific Crew's photo and document attachment features are the app's flexibility and seamless integration with native device capabilities:
- Pacific Crew integrates with mobile devices so users can take and attach photos using the device camera, or browse to attach already created photos in image galleries.
- Pacific Crew also leverages mobile device image handling features such as annotating photos with circles, arrows or text to highlight the most important areas of, for example, damaged equipment in a photo.
- In Pacific Crew, you can loaded and edit document templates from device directories or other installed virtual directories (such as Dropbox, iCloud, Google Drive, or Microsoft OneDrive) and then attach to an asset or log entry.
- Photos and documents attached use data entry templates which include advanced field-level security, to hide, from an external client user for example, more sensitive images or documents from certain user security permission, while allowing read-only access to other users such as an internal approver.
- The Pacific Crew app works on any iOS or Android device and is available in the AppStore and Google Play. New customers can establish a free trial account to test drive Pacific Crew's capabilities.
Pacific Timesheet is used by more than 2,000 companies and subsidiaries in industries such as Construction, Field Services, Pharma, Manufacturing and Services that require time, expense, asset and log management and tracking tools. Pacific Timesheet's applications and apps give employees access to the most advanced browser and app user interfaces, Pacific Timesheet are critical to launching and expanding Pacific Timesheet's applications to its customers' employees. Many companies use Pacific Timesheet including Brazos Electric, Equimidstrans, Florida East Coast Railway, FourQuest, Komatsu Mining Equipment, Lewis Tree Service, ISEC, P&H Mining Equipment, Turner Construction, and WorleyParsons.
About Pacific Timesheet
Pacific Timesheet is a leading provider of cloud-based time management, expense reports, asset and log tracking applications for construction, field services, manufacturing, services and more than forty other industries. Known for its flexibility, Pacific Timesheet supports any user device, as well as a variety of complex labor, accrual and validation rules that reduce errors and increase the speed of processing data for payroll, costing and billing. Built on platform, database, browser, and app-independent technologies, Pacific Timesheet can be implemented as a cloud service or on-premise. Pacific Timesheet's integrates with more than 300 payroll, accounting and ERP systems, as well as single-sign-on tools such as Azure Active Directory. Using a superior UI and administrative tool sets and system templates, Pacific Timesheet is known for completing highly-customized and scalable implementations must faster than industry averages.